Notable work - Senior Game Producer
Macro- and micro-organizing the team, planning and following up on the different production cycles: beta(making local optimization planning or update contents, local billing system inserting, update SDK, etc.), gold.
Overseeing development process: game design, art, and programming
Communicating constantly with the creation team and business managers in Chinese cooperative companies
Training new recruits and organizing team building.
Creating Minion local costume design pipeline with Universal, Illumination and creation team.
Project List:
Despicable Me 2 (Android, 2013)
Despicable Me 2 Update 1 to Update 9 (Android, 2014)
Despicable Me 2 Update 10(Android, 2015)
Brother in Arms 3(Android, 2015)
Between 2014 and 2015, Despicable Me 2: Minion Rush Chinese Android Version had created more than 94 million CNY.
Journey at Gameloft
2008.4 - 2015.9
Gameloft is my first company after graduation from college. It provided me a window of how the game industry work, a place to dedicate my enthusiasm to games, and a wonderful pier for my next game adventure.
Senior Game Producer (2014.9 - 2015.9) - 1 Project with 10 Updates
Junior Game Producer(2012.3 - 2014.9) - 2 Projects
Leader J2ME Programmer(2010.4 - 2012.3) - 4 Projects
J2ME Programmer(2008.4-2010.4) - 9 Projects
Evolving Alongside Gaming with Rong Deng Here